STL Fenton

STL Fenton
We are excited to announce that BOX BACK PARKINSONS, DBA Rock Steady Boxing STL-Fenton is now a Not for Profit 501 C-3!! Thank you for considering choosing BOX BACK PARKINSONS (RSB) as your charity!
If you would like to donate to Rock Steady Boxing STL-Fenton, please make your check payable to Rock Steady Boxing STL-Fenton and mail to:
101 Christopher Place
Saint Louis, MO 63129
For additional donation options, contact Lisa McKenna at 314-804-9117
All donations made online will go to the RSB headquarters in Indianapolis, NOT directly to our location.
The mission of Rock Steady Boxing, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, is to give people with Parkinsons disease hope by improving their quality of life through a non-contact boxing based intense exercise program.
We are learning every day that there are ways in which people with Parkinson’s disease can enhance their daily quality of life and even build impressive power, strength, flexibility and speed! By exercising with Coaches who know the ropes, you can fight your way out of the corner and start to feel and function better. Boxing works by moving your body in all planes of motion while continuously changing the routine as you progress through the workout. These classes have proven that anyone, at any level of Parkinson’s, can actually lessen their symptoms and lead a healthier/happier life. Call us today!
IF RSB needs to cancel a class or classes due to inclement weather or the prediction, PLEASE GO TO: for closings…..Rock Steady Boxing-Fenton for closings…..Rock Steady Boxing-Fenton
IT WILL NOT BE ON TV…….only on websites!
Linda Poth - Registered Nurse, Certified RSB Coach
Linda has worked in nursing for more than 35 years in a variety of areas (orthopedics, medical/surgical, home health, hospice and rehabilitation case management. She has always incorporated exercise as part of her daily routine and has seen firsthand the benefits of exercise for her patients throughout her career. Linda had been able to participate in Parkinson Support Groups with her job and expand her knowledge of the resources available in our community.
Linda feels so fortunate to be part of Rock Steady Boxing and the boxers inspire her at each and every workout. What a privilege to fight Parkinson’s with these courageous, dynamic and most of all FUN group of people!!!
Laurie McKenna - Certified RSB Coach
Laurie McKenna has been coaching with Rock Steady since 2016. Prior to becoming involved with RSB, she maintained a small housecleaning company for over 20 years.
She and her husband Mick have 4 kids, and their oldest son Michael is married to Terry and Mary LeGrand‘s daughter, Lisa. She volunteered when RSB opened, and a month later Terry and Dot asked her to get certified as a coach… And the rest, as they say, is history!
For many years, she has done kickboxing, weight and HIIT training. Rocksteady has become not only her passion over the years, but the biggest privilege in her life.
Kelly Lashley - Physical Therapist, Certified RSB Coach
As a past volunteer, Kelly heard about Rock Steady from the friend of a friend. She says that she was immediately impressed by the enthusiasm of the boxers and the other staff.
Kelly has worked as a physical therapist for over 30 years. For her day job she sees clients with all kinds of neurological problems. Over the last couple of years, she has been looking to get more involved in the wellness community and actually obtained her personal training certification through ACE. When she heard about Rock Steady she says, (It just made sense for me to use all of that clinical knowledge to support this cause and encourage folks who really wanted to fight back.)
She is a St Louis native, but has lived in Ohio, Texas, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania as her family moved with her husband's work. With an empty nest, she and Bill were able to return to St Louis in 2010. They are dedicated Cardinal fans and get out to games as often as possible.
While she admits, (I don\'t have an athletic bone in my body), she enjoys staying on the move with walking and bike riding. She enjoys playing the piano and organ, still doing an occasional wedding or church service. She and Bill also enjoy traveling to warm places in the middle of the winter.
Look for her on Saturday mornings!
Erin Kaminski - Elementary Educator, Certified RSB Coach
Erin has been an elementary school teacher for 25 years. Her father had Parkinson’s Disease. After he began coming to RSB he had a way to fight against his invisible opponent with courage, strength and dignity. He never gave up. This program gave him so much new hope- she wants to be a part of encouraging and instilling that hope in others.
She also feels very blessed to be part of this team. In a world full of people who do not like their jobs, she is lucky enough to do what she loves every day. Whether she is in her classroom or at RSB. She gets to help people and feel like she is making a difference.
Her favorite part of being a coach at RSB is seeing participants do things they did not think they could do and find genuine enjoyment in what they are doing. The fact that they want to come back and that they work so hard is testament to the importance of this community in their lives. She loves being a coach because she gets to take part in this, and she has an opportunity to celebrate boxer’s everyday successes with them. You know that warm feeling you get when you're happy or your heart is full, that is what it's like to be a coach at RSB.
Thank you for welcoming her into your community much like you welcomed her father. She feels very personally how important the work we are doing is for each boxer and their families!
We always feel stronger when we know we are not alone!
Taylor McGinnis - Certified RSB Coach
ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist, Exercise is Medicine Credential Level II, Certified RSB Coach, TRX Certified
Taylor graduated from the University of Illinois with a Degree in Kinesiology and a minor in Gerontology. She began her career wanting to work in cardiac rehab, but quickly realized her passion was with prevention versus rehabilitation. She switched career paths to focus on senior fitness with an emphasis on high-risk populations. Since 2006, she has worked in almost all facets of the fitness industry: gym management, personal training, group exercise, and corporate fitness.
As a mom to two very energetic little girls, she usually spends her free time coaching sports and volunteering at their schools.
Jack Pelech - Certified RSB Coach
I am a life-long native of St. Louis and have been married to my lovely wife, Tina for 42 years and we have 2 great kids, Jacob and his wife Manoucia and my daughter Krista. We have two wonderful granddaughters, Leyla (10) and Grace (2). I am a retired mechanical engineer previously working for Anheuser Busch for 26 years and then retired from MasterCard as a fraud investigator after 6 years.
I have always been active and cared about exercise in my lifetime. I played soccer for 40 years, both collegiately and amateur, even trying out for the US Olympic team. I have run two marathons, half-marathons, mini triathlons and biathlons. I coached soccer for 10 years and continue to referee high school soccer now. I started taking martial arts classes 3 years ago as another form of exercise and overall fitness. So being physically fit has always been a part of my life and I wanted to share that as a RSB coach.
I have several friends that have come down with Parkinson’s and have seen some of their struggles. My father-in-law developed ALS in 2006, and I saw the struggles he went through before passing. I started volunteering at RSB in 2019, initially as a volunteer and then became a corner person. Last year I went back to straight volunteer work and wanted to take it to the next level. So, when I heard that there was a shortage in coaches, I jumped at the opportunity and here I am. I love the enthusiasm and dedication that each boxer shows and the willingness to learn and take on new things. There is never a quit in the eyes of each boxer and that is what pushes me to come back each class.
Jordan Schriewer - Occupational Therapist, Certified RSB Coach
Jordan graduated from The University of Missouri with a bachelor's in health science with a minor in gerontology, along with a master's degree in occupational therapy. Jordan has always had a passion for working with older adults and currently works as an OT at an assisted living helping seniors achieve their independence. Jordan first got involved with Rock Steady in Columbia, MO as an internship during her junior year of college. She absolutely fell in love with the program and the people and took it upon herself to get certified when that internship ended. She coached in Columbia for about 3 years before moving back home to the Wentzville to finish her grad school clinicals. Upon graduation, Jordan stumbled upon RSB STL Fenton and began volunteering as she had missed that part of her life. A few months into volunteering they were looking for a coach, so she jumped on the opportunity and joined the team and is happy that she did. She has been with the Fenton team for a little over 2 years and coaches some of the day/evening classes. Her favorite part of RSB is getting to connect with all of the boxers and help them fight their fight against PD in order for them to continue to live their daily lives as fulfilling and independently as possible, just like OT!
Jim Wiltsch - Certified RSB Coach
Jim started as a RSB Volunteer in 2022 after hearing about RSB from a neighbor who is also a boxer. From the first day, Jim loved volunteering there. The energy, the positive attitudes, and the camaraderie always had him looking forward to walking through the RSB doors. He enjoyed getting to know the boxers and was always inspired when he saw everyone giving their all.
When Dot mentioned she was looking for a new coach, Jim saw it as a great opportunity to provide additional help to RSB. He studied and passed both the NASM Certified Personal Trainer and RSB Coach certifications.
Jim has been coaching since April 2023, and he strives to create workouts that are challenging and fun. He loves being a part of a boxer's journey to gaining confidence, picking up a heavier dumbbell, and hearing them say, "Wow, I didn't think I could do that."
Jim is a lifelong St. Louisan. He lives in Ballwin and has been married to his wife, Cheryl, for 34 years. He recently retired from a career in IT from Stefanini Group and had long stints with Boeing and IBM as well. He went to high school at Vianney, class of '82, then completed his undergrad at SLU, an IT Masters at Webster, and an MBA at Wash U.
Jim feels he has more blessings than he can count, and it’s his time to give back! He loves RSB, the leadership, the coaches, volunteers, and all the boxers. His message is, "Let’s box back PD!!! 1-2-3 ROCK STEADY!"
Mary Schillinger- Certified RSB Coach
My husband Bob and I have been married for 21 years. We have four children - Maggie (20), Bobby (19), Cate (16) and John (14). I worked at Southwestern Bell/AT&T Yellow pages in Sales for 14 years. When our oldest daughter was born, I decided to stay home with our kids.
I started volunteering at Rock Steady in September of 2022. I quickly fell in love with the people and the energy of Rock Steady. I've always been interested in fitness and have done many different types of workouts. I love helping people, so Rock Steady was a perfect fit for me.
In May of 2024, I became certified to be a coach at Rock Steady. I absolutely love it. I enjoy being creative with the different exercise or boxing workouts and I hope the boxers find them fun and challenging.
I am inspired by how hard each of the boxers work every day and I am honored to be part of their experience at Rock Steady. I'm planning to take other certification classes to keep improving as a coach.
Mary Beth Kleinbach- Certified RSB Coach and RSB Boxer
I was born and raised in the St. Louis area. After getting a degree in Mathematics/Statistics from Northeast Missouri State University (now Truman), I was set on leaving Missouri. Then, I met Rod. We’ve been married for almost 33 years, have 25-year-old triplets and I’m still in St Louis!
My short-lived career was in the Retirement Plan Consulting field. One of my bosses was on the Executive Board of Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital. His motto, when things got stressful in the office was, “when you see a child in the hospital, you realize that none of this (office stuff) is important enough to stress over”. After our children were born, I became a stay-at-home mom and focused on the important stuff.
Once our children started college, we decided to sell our home in Fenton and move to the city to be closer to all the things we enjoyed. That was the Spring of 2020. Shortly after that I noticed a tremor in my right hand, I couldn’t walk as fast as I had in the past and my husband noticed I was not swinging my arm. I attributed it all to the stress of living in a tiny two-bedroom apartment with (thanks to Covid) two 21-year-olds, and building a house during a pandemic. I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in August of 2021. I read everything I could find and tried to manage it on my own, through boxing and regular workouts, for almost a year and a half.
At a Trivia Night in March of 2022, I was introduced to Laurie McKenna and learned about Rock Steady Boxing. As enthusiastic as she was, it still took me 9 months to make that call. I got fed up with my symptoms in January of 23, started medication and joined Rock Steady. The boxing and circuits are VERY helpful, but it’s the community Rock Steady offers that I think is its biggest asset. I’ve worked out on a regular basis for most of my adult life. I know that the benefits are much more than physical. To have found a place that combines the physical and the mental well-being of exercise with the camaraderie of a shared foe, is a godsend. Rock Steady Boxing STL-Fenton completely changed my outlook on life with this disease. I couldn’t say NO when, in October of 2024, I was asked to help coach. I know the importance of Rock Steady and am thrilled to have been offered a way to give back. I feel as a boxer and a coach, that I’ve got a unique perspective. I hope that I’m able to use that perspective to put together some good workouts. And I plan to remain focused on the important stuff.
9:30a-10:30a -- LEVELS 1 & 2
11:00a-12:00p -- LEVELS 3 & 4
5:30p-6:30p -- ALL LEVELS
9:30a-10:30a -- LEVEL 1 & 2
9:30a-10:30a -- LEVEL 1 & 2
5:30p-6:30p -- ALL LEVELS
9:30a-10:30a -- LEVEL 1 & 2
11:00a-12:00p -- LEVEL 3 & 4
9:30a-10:30a -- LEVEL 1 & 2
9:00a-10:00a -- LEVEL 1 & 2
Contact Us!
RSB - Box Back Parkinsons
2275 Cassens Court (Drive)
Suite 107
Fenton, MO 63026
Phone: 314-804-9117
Email: or