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Call us to schedule a time to come to RSB to observe our wellness classes. Contact Coach Strosnider at 505-9678729 or for more information.

**Rock Steady classes are divided into four levels based upon each person’s unique Parkinson’s symptoms and overall level of fitness. We require all potential boxers to complete a 1-time assessment with one of our Coaches to determine the class placement that would be of greatest benefit to them.

We will be contacting you individually to arrange a mutual time to present you with your welcome file that will contain many forms as well as a Q & A outline of commonly asked questions. 


RSB ABQ is in need of volunteers to perform the following: volunteer out reach, volunteer coordination and fighter support during classes.

We are learning every day that there are ways in which people with Parkinson’s disease can enhance their daily quality of life and even build impressive power, strength, flexibility and speed! By exercising with Coaches who know the ropes, you can fight your way out of the corner and start to feel and function better. Boxing works by moving your body in all planes of motion while continuously changing the routine as you progress through the workout. These classes have proven that anyone, at any level of Parkinson’s, can actually lessen their symptoms and lead a healthier/happier life. Call us today to arrange a time we can invite you to come to observe one of our wellness classes.  It will also give you an opportunity to meet many of our fighters to hear their story.   

Tier 1/2 offered M, W, F 9 AM, 10:30 AM

Tier 3/4 offered M, W, F 12 Noon, 1:30 PM

An assessment is required for every fighter before they start class. 


An assessment is an integral component in determining incoming fighters health, limitations and overall mobility to participate in wellness classes.  This will assist us with the proper placement of fighters into the wellness class that best fit their individual limitations. Classes are separated into Tier I, Tier II for this reason.  The assessment fee is $65.  Please give us as much advance notice as possible in order to schedule your personal assessment.   

Contact Coach: 505-967-8729 or

Include your contact info and related information of the person wanting to schedule the assessment

Each and everyone of our RSB fighters have been assessed and placed in the class that best fits their individual training limitations and goals



Coach Strosnider
Head Coach Rock Steady Boxing ABQ

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